Agility & DevOps

Carry out the Agile transformation of your organisation to refocus on your value chain!

Current main issues for organizations


Make your products/services evolve more quickly and in line with your customers's real expectations


Access more accurate, real-time indicators to make the right decisions


Maximize your ROI, rationalize your IT & business expenses and transform your CAPEX into OPEX


Empower your teams and allow them to develop fully

What areas should we work on?

Reconcile customer needs with business and IT responses 

Improve productivity 

Rationalize your IT (tools, hardware, licenses, move to cloud...) 

Instilling an Agile culture and feedback 

Define your product/service trajectory 

Increase the skills of your teams 

Secure your IS and the value produced 

Moving to agility at scale 

Industrialize and automate its practices 

"Agile culture and DevOps are an essential performance gas pedal for the customer, especially if we promote alignment and collective intelligence between management, individuals and teams."

Romain Vélon

Head of Agility & DevOps, Klee Group

A complete ecosystem to improve your productivity

DevOps experts (from delivery), certified in Agile (Scrum, SaFE), Cloud (AWS, Azure) and Atlassian

A complete offer oriented towards the value chain and product at the service of the customer

Partnerships with reference actors for which Klee is a prescriber and user: Atlassian Gold partnership, AWS and Azure

Our culture of industrializationagility and engagement.

Over 30 years of projects in proximity with our customers, half of which are in Agility

Pierre Brisson

Pierre - Agile Coach

"As an Agile Coach, I help our clients to define, concretize, and improve their product vision, in accordance with the needs of their users, while giving place to the human within the management and realization teams."


Nicolas - Consultant

"My mission is to help our clients to work better on a daily basis, to enter into an Agile approach of continuous improvement, to make communication between teams more fluid. This is done through audit, consulting and coaching phases around processes and tools. And all this, in partnership with Atlassian !"


Thibault - Technical Leader

"Information systems are critical systems that are constantly evolving. The DevOps culture thus becomes indispensable in order to guarantee security and continuous value production in these systems, while overseeing the activity for the purpose of continuous improvement."

They trust us

"On the applications taken over by Klee, we have divided the rate of anomalies by 20, while multiplying by more than 2 the frequency of production releases and by 3 the volume of developments."

Adrien Decruyenaere

Program Director Comutitres


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